Hi there. I am Mary from New Orleans, Louisiana. My daughter-in-law shamed me for wearing

Hi there. I am Mary from New Orleans, Louisiana. My daughter-in-law shamed me for wearing swimsuits, saying: “OLD LADY HIDE YOUR WRINKLES SO YOU DON’T SCARE PEOPLE. I was so hurt that I decided to give her a lesson.
I am 72 years old grandmother who just want to enjoy life. I have a young spirit. SO WHAT? We all age on the outside, but I feel deep inside we are always the same. I still have that spirit in me.
The other day, I visited my son. He has really made it in life. He owns a mansion with multiple pools, numerous cars, many bedrooms, a home cinema and even has maids and babysitters.
Another thing he has, it’s his wife Karen. She was absolute nobody, but as my son grew in wealth she became so untouchable and bossy. It is beyond me. She thinks she has power over everyone.
But to be honest my son is encouraging her behaviour. At the end he is my son, and I want to enjoy his success as well. Anyway, a hot summer day, I am feeling good I wear my favourite swimsuit and I go outside.
Karen looks at me and starts laughing: Hahaha, old lady NO WAY YOU WEAR THIS ON VACATION. You need to hide your wrinkles so that you don’t scare people.
Oh my God, she destroyed me and my spirit. I was so sad so heartbroken I just put the glasses and pretended like I am getting tanned. I was so hurt, all I was thinking was how to leave.
That was the single most humiliating moment in my life. It was there that I decided to give her a REAL LESSON, THER THAT DAY IN THAT HOUSE!
My tears transformed into a smirk, hear hear what I did to her… 


(The continuation, and the full story are below in the first comment)

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