In the wake of President Donald Trump’s meeting with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, a meeting that ended in the Ukrainian president being tossed from the White House, former member of Congress and RINO Kamala Harris supporter Liz Cheney, known mainly as the warmonger daughter of a warmonger father who never served in the military, tried going on the attack against Trump. She got quickly skewered on X, with a commenter utterly decimating her talking points.
Kicking things off, Cheney claimed without much evidence that NATO is the most successful alliance ever, claiming that the reason for that is that it has enabled American leadership on the issue of protecting “freedom” abroad. She wrote, “Here is some truth: Putin invaded Ukraine. NATO is the most successful military alliance in history. Since 1945, American leadership has ensured freedom and security for ourselves and millions of others around the world.”
She continued, comparing Putin, the President of the Russian Federation who is not a communist, to the far different Soviet Union, writing, “Together with our allies, we defeated the Soviet Union—an empire so evil it had to build gulags and walls to keep its own people in. Destroying America’s alliances and abandoning the cause of freedom is morally and strategically indefensible. Putin will pocket Trump’s naive concessions and demand much more. Appeasement makes a wider war more likely, not less.”
Concluding, she declared that it is unconscionable for Trump and Vance not to want to risk World War III, saying, “@realDonaldTrump, @JDVance, and @elonmusk have made clear who they are. Only fools—or Kremlin tools—would abandon NATO, side with Russia, and demand Ukraine surrender in the face of Putin’s brutal aggression.”
A commenter on her post going by “DataRepublican” wrote, hammering her for those claims, that she and her post were in some desperate need of context, saying, “Dear Ms. Cheney, I’m late to the conversation, but let’s add some much-needed context to your stance on Ukraine by looking at the legacy you come from.”
The commenter then proceeded to decimate Cheney and her dad point by point, saying, “Your father, Dick Cheney, had a long and influential political career: Received five draft deferments during the Vietnam War, citing “other priorities,” and never served in the military. Served in key government roles, including White House Chief of Staff (Ford), U.S. Representative (Wyoming), and Secretary of Defense (Bush Sr.). As Secretary of Defense, oversaw U.S. military interventions in Panama and Iraq (Desert Storm). Led Halliburton as chairman and CEO (1995–2000), a company that later secured massive defense contracts in war zones. As Vice President, was a principal advocate for the 2003 Iraq invasion, citing claims that proved to be false. Accumulated a net worth reportedly reaching $86 million largely due to Halliburton.”
Then, after rattling off the trajectory of Dick Cheney’s career, the commenter said, “These are facts. Neither you nor your father served in the military, yet he played a leading role in sending Americans into war—many of whom returned disabled, traumatized, or never returned at all. He and you profited immensely from the war machine while veterans struggled for the benefits they earned.”