Asthma can be deadly: In memory of Ryan Gibbons.

Ryan Gibbons, a 12-year-old boy, tragically died from an asthma attack at school because his inhaler was locked in the office. Despite his mother and a doctor requesting he be allowed to carry one, the school had a policy of keeping inhalers locked up, which prevented Ryan from accessing it during a soccer game. His friends couldn’t get him to the office in time, and he lost consciousness.

After his death, Ryan’s mother, Sandra, worked tirelessly to change the rules. She started a petition and pushed for a new law, leading to the passing of “Ryan’s Law” (Bill 135). The law requires schools to allow children with asthma to carry inhalers with a doctor’s note.

Sandra’s efforts have saved countless lives, and her son’s death led to important changes that now protect children with asthma. Ryan’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of quick access to life-saving medication. Let’s honor Ryan by spreading awareness about the dangers of asthma and the importance of having inhalers readily available.

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